Introduction to Global Political Scenarios

Before I start to post the Public Administration topics, I want you all to have a little idea about the Global political scenarios. But, Why? The Answer is simple! According to the varied development stages of different countries, the maturity levels of political environment is different. And there are direct relation to the Public Administration of the Countries.
The PA takes different form according to difference of the political environment though the goal might similar. E.g., the Public Administration of USA is quite different from that of Communist China or North Korea or Former USSR.

Lets consider, according to the level of development of different nations are classified into three groups :- 

  • First World - Developed Countries, mostly the West( USA and Europe) are mostly democratic countries with staunch faith on liberal ideologies. 
  • Second World - Developing Countries, mostly Middle Income countries such as India, socialist blocks of Asia, Europe and Americas.
  • Third World - under-developed Countries, mainly confined in Africa and Asia which are newly created or recently got freedom from Colonialism after world war-II.
In order to know the broad picture of what is PA and its role in various activities of Government, we need to learn about the political environment, form of Government, level of development of the Country etc. Say, the role of public Administrators and nature of Public Administration are oriented towards the providing basic services to the citizens like fighting Hunger, distribution of medical help and other basics in many African Countries. So in order to suit the countries the PA has to adapt accordingly. 

In India, the role of PA is towards providing facilities for education, road and transport, telecommunication, Hospitals etc which is quite different from the African Countries. But the PA of USA will be quite different from India, as the role of PA would be providing facilities for growth of businesses, researches and technology, education etc. And public administration of socialist or communist countries would be wide range ranging from providing jobs to food, transportation, hospitals education etc encompassing almost every sphere of life.

Thus, from the above, you might learn that, to understand the role of public administrators and nature of PA are defined by the political scenario of the region or the country. So, having a broad picture of the political scenario of  different countries is quite important and would be a great help for better understanding the subject. And you might remember that I had talked about the need for current affair studies for this subject. Here is an aspect of it. And International Relationship(IR) portion of the GS would be widely covered while studying the subject. Because India and relationship with other countries are quite decided by the political atmosphere of the countries which in turn you could easily learn about the public administration of the countries. 

In the future, I will talk about the origin of political theories of different parties of different countries or region such as Communism, Socialism, and other. So friends, keep visiting the blog and meanwhile keep learning the current affairs of India and Abroad.

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